الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

tourisem in roma

tourisem in roma

Square Venice "Victory Memorial Monument"

At first glance can be a visitor Square Venice Note Building Great White, made of rock lime white, this building is called in Italian "Alvittoriano" or Victory Monument Memorial, which was built on the occasion of the Union of Italy, has been giving it to the king, "Vittorio Emanuele II" built in just 26 years old, a year 1885 to 1911.

At the entrance to this building white rosette drawer wide range rise visitors to a space no higher in the center statue of Rome, and under this statue is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier since 1921, as can be seen memorial statue of the great king "Vittorio Emanuele II", this statue is set on building a statue in Rome, It is made of bronze plated with gold.

The upper floor and the last of this construction White, a 16-column in the middle, two on each side, and then click each of them decorated with a statue of the victory with wings.

This huge construction Alvittoriano White, who supervises the field of Venice, which fork to the main streets of the commercial capital, and ends with this commercial street in the area of Piazza del Popolo, ie, the People's Square.

Trevi Fountain

Famous city of Rome aesthetics Noaverha Almti_rp in their fields, playgrounds Assembly, is the most beautiful of these fountains are ever the fountain "Trevi" Aalte occupy a large space of the arena Pettmathilha and Noaverha and flowing water in the form of waterfalls small, pour into the pool, and in reading of history, we find that this water they move through the channels of pending and completed in this place now known as Fountain "Trevi" and these channels are built by "Ogariba" in the year 19 BC, and in the fifth century AD, is the pope, "Niccolo V" restoration of the channel carrying the water, and cost, "Lyon Patisia Alberti "to build a basin to collect water, in the same place the fountain we see today, and the rocks and statues of marble carved in the eighteenth century, by the artist," Nicolo Salvi, "which was coordinated Bibdall technical cooperation between the statue of the great middle of the substantive work of statues carved into the fountain, and see the Alnavop span both sides of the rock to gather them to Nhotat Mermaid.

Of the myths that tells about this fountain: Anyone who throws a coin inside, we must return again to Rome


Alkoluseo today, as it was in past centuries a symbol of the city of Rome, and is Alkoluseo one of the important monuments, architectural masterpieces and a remaining ancient monuments of the ancient city of Rome.

Work began on building Alkoluseo "Vespaciano" the year of 1972, in the same location when there is a Lake Palace "Nero", Alkoluseo was opened in 1980 under the rule of "Tito."

Was Alkoluseo dedicated to concerts of fighting between gladiators and wild beasts, and continued to concerts wrestling on the occasion of the opening Alkoluseo for 100 days continuously, which killed 90.000 A monster, and continued the presentations to the year 404 AD, and stopped after the fighting between the wrestlers to continue wrestling after this date, between the monsters only.

External appearance of the Colosio designer in the form of brackets, and is comprised of four floors, three floors consisting of 80 arc, while the fourth floor is the wall of deaf without brackets, high Alkoluseo 57 meters, and a length of 188 meters and width 156 meters, and along the perimeter 527 meters, with four entries President, 76 of these brackets were to enter the general public, and the four entrances to the other one was dedicated to the Emperor and his entourage, and the second entrance to the judges, and the entrance to the third Usivat imperial court, and the fourth portal dedicated to the guests of honor.

Was Alkoluseo accommodate 50.000 spectators to 70.000 spectators, Kano, sitting on the runway by social status, and categorized these places for three categories, the first category to the Emperor and the elite of society, and the second is for the middle class in society, and the latter to the general public.

Garden Villa Bourguizi

Bourguizi Villa Park is located in the center of Rome from the largest and most beautiful gardens in the Italian capital, was built in the seventeenth century, when assigned the Cardinal "Cebeoni Bourguizi" work in the design of the villa of the architect "of the Zats" Dutch came to work at the top of magnificence and beauty.
In Central Park Bourguizi no artificial lake, where boats promenade frequented by visitors to the capital for a walk at the holidays, and in the middle of the lake there is a small island by Simulated monument to the temple of Greek,

At the top of the top of the park was built Pavilion Villa Bourguizi between 1613 --1,614 m, while in the present day has turned the villa into a museum and gallery Boukizi, featuring the museum masterpieces of paintings, sculptures, the work of Ravaiillo, Antonio Canova, Pietro and Jean Lorenzo Bernini.

At the end of the park overlooking the Flaminio Square, where there is the Porta del Popolo, a People's Square, and its side overlooking Central Viale Indulge but Artie, any street of Fine Arts, where the National Museum of Modern Art which was built in 1911.

Rome Zoo

Zoo is located in the Italian capital Rome, in the north of Villa Park Bourguizi, an area of 12 ha, and due date of construction for the year 1908, the park was opened on January 5, 1911 m,

In 1970, was closed section of reptiles in the park for the renovation and restoration of this section, was the opening of Section 1983 of the New, In the zoo there are more than 200 species of animals, among mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles.

Noted in the construction of the park a few cages iron trap where the animals were replaced by environment semi-natural, due to the year 1994 when she was born the idea of transforming the park, a zoo to the environment, animal, and in 1997 was the adoption of new designs for the environment the future of the park.

There are inside the park a historical museum for the animals, reptiles, birds, stuffed all kinds, races and origins of different, both wild Owalolevp them, and many of the skeletons of the animals of the forest Caldenassour extinct, and there are many of the rooms allocated to the types of butterflies and birds of different kinds and reptiles.

Amusement park to Luna Park

Amusement park in Rome occupies an area of 70.000 square meters, with more than 130 a game, and employs more than 500 people, is the park the city of Rome one of the largest amusement parks in Italy, the oldest among them, was inaugurated in the year 1953, on the occasion of the opening of the Agricultural Exhibition at the time was to put some games casinos inside the exhibition by the owners of nightclubs street.

Amusement parks Rome took its current form only in the year 1962, with the times began to expand into a theme park that has become one of the largest amusement parks in Europe.

City Commission welcomes all clubs humanitarian initiatives has been allocated day for people with special needs, which will be held in May, as well as all humanitarian initiatives of interest to children orphaned and poor children

The most important celebrations taking place in the amusement park in the summer vacation for schools between June and September, with many of the artisans from all over the world, or Exhibition Games, books, paintings, and many other arts.

Nazionale Street trading

The history of commercial Izhor Nazionale Street, when he bought the Cardinal Francisco Saverio de Merodi, large piece of land its name San Vitale, and his dream was to build a modern hot in this place, and was able to build all three buildings of this neighborhood.

Then became clear to him the importance of connecting to the Termini train station downtown, the street between the two churches hard so that the street access to the Piazza Venezia.

Between the years 1967 - 1972, Cardinal de Merodi obtained a permit to begin construction of this street, which was named after the Nazionale street, any street national levels.

Nazionale Street is at the present time, the most important commercial streets in the Italian capital Rome, and was frequented by many tourists, Italians and to shop, and starts from the People's Square, and ends to the Piazza Venezia.

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