الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Marrakech, Morocco

Tourism in Marrakech, Morocco

No city of its mystery and magic that makes you live pages from the imagination of a thousand and one night like the city of Marrakech · that city of a thousand a year and hidden in the arms of history, which he said the invaders poems blend the sweetness of love bitter defeat · surrounded by walls of high-repulsed by the invaders, past and attracted have Alzoarhadditha, and played over the Alasordor crucible that forged identities of African and Islamic countries in the blood of its people are unique • The thresholds for doors stands the desert Pkthbanha red soft echoes minarets and published Shatha breezes and carrying tales of witches, amulets and talismans • When moving in the streets Ajtag Festival of sensations and Alsouroaloloan, sounds and tastes It · Tourism in Marrakech · journey of unforgettable memories ·

Desert Gate

What is said about Rome is fit to be said about this city, all roads lead to Marrakech · is the southern capital of the Kingdom of Morocco · It is an oasis in the desert · surrounded by walls on each side · decreases the eastern side of the city rises a mountain is an extension of the mountain range in northern Africa, where the villages of Berber which has seen prosperity and enlightenment after the Islamic conquests since the 900-year-· and to the south lies the city of Julimim Alsgarhwalta known as the Desert Gate · for being months a market for trading camels and beauty in the world · also limits the Marrakech from the west coast overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and known as the Riviera Moroccan · and is characterized for its French counterpart the warmth of the water and the magic scene and the proliferation of fishing villages and called on its people, the name of glaucoma and to tattoo their bodies in blue or maybe the color of their clothes in italic blue sea • The whole ancient cities fortified to Marrakech doors huge locks and enormous keys Thagal and Date a long tradition of repelling invaders and conquer greedy ·
Stop the invaders before the doors fascinated grandeur and originality · He wrote a generals of the French army in his memoirs for Marrakech pages long account of the many details show the magnitude of what I left when the city of memories deep · He said to me with the gates of Marrakech precious memories · When I stood for the first time before I felt as if the Magic Carpet Kdokhzna · there was a city of imagination making all the minute details, and I have nailed down at my feet when you leave and refused to leave the Alojd it not for prestige and respect for national took a handful of sand to the icon Odmha chest ·

A city of contradictions

Like many cities in Morocco is characterized Marrakech contradictions in periods of the afternoon camped calm on the whole city and become a princess sleeping in a deep sleep do not wake her nothing but a cool breeze blowing from the ocean, if the streets were full of pedestrians and filled with markets, with tourists and vendors, buyers, becomes a place in the city center of the foot • The called the center of the city of Marrakech Name Square Alphenao is a large courtyard known in Alasoralamadih Bgmehrh people to testify on the establishment of the border, then turned with time into a large market is mixed with the magicians and jugglers itinerant vendors and restaurant patrons and tourists, vacationers · and scenes familiar in the courtyard of El Fna Alemrakachih see review snakes tamed, The acrobatics and play Bnaro fortune telling and enlighten the cup and the purchase of goods, and selling soap, aromatic and blends beauty magic, while the center of the painting tumultuous events there sitting on the tables cafes Bhdoelahtads tea Almnana and sugared · and you will find yourself in the end going in the Festival of strange sensations overlapping mix where movements in color, call vendors and Sibyls bells, incense, perfumes and scents Wuxi kebabs ·
Line up on the pavement arena a large number of women specialists in the manufacture of mixtures of confidentiality of oils, herbs and perfumes and · enough to approach the tourist of one of them and explain to her request Vtnolh right mix of treatment with confidence · and some of the failed to convince the buyer herbs Palmistry or cup Oalnujom · and move your viewing pleasure to the docks the other from the field is spread by vendors of water and juice and licorice and bands playing tunes oriental authentic · you can see the scene of fun complete in every gesture, like a large theater full of representatives and artists, but theater is a traditional no stage Ostarh or later display, but sidewalks and buildings and display continuously without interruption • This scene Marrakech authentic is prompting thousands of tourists flocked to this city over the years • In a time, almost become a point attractions such to the point of a dead dark · when she appeared plan to turn this arena to Public parking · but fortunately not · implementation of the plan and returned to the people of Marrakech Bahaa El Fna Square, which they consider the real lung breathe them and without them there would be a way of life ·

Charm of the place

At the dawn of the first ray of dawn turns Marrakech to the heart flows the pulse of life and spirit of Alaasraraly stay ·, but before you begin your tour tourist must use a guide tourist supported, help you to wander in the city · Even the tourist expert trends and who traveled the country east and west, and armed himself with the knowledge and maps and brochures can be lost and lose impact · Many find yourself mesmerized by the magic of the place Vtzlmk the viewer to each other, and lead you to a maze of alleys and lanes and coral similar until you find yourself going in something like Palmtahh · and the benefits of the tour guide also that enough for the evil of being street vendors and professionals begging ·
Close to the public arena downtown Marrakech there is a market for antiques and carpets · probably will not find adequate quality to buy, but a fun walk in the market will not prevent you from asking vendors about prices · and realize the height of it goods intended for tourists, The people of Marrakech themselves do not shop them and do not use the alleys of the market only a desire to Mroralkram Achtsartriv • The best advice if you want to shop or buy traditional gifts or eat food you have to go where people go and buy from the country where they buy · There will ensure quality and right price ·

Market wizards

The first thing that will meet you at the main gate is the Aladdin cafe famous, is located behind market fabrics and carpets, which is to finish it even leads you to the markets roofs, which is sold in perfumes and incense, soap and animal fur · and there is a market particularly magicians sit in it and selling the chicken legs and beaks of roosters and the heads of bats and skins of snakes and things like that you will find dried and suspended or blending and packed in bottles · and frequently the magicians and jugglers and Readers fortune · and his sympathy small you can enter the market, precious stones, jewelry and silverware, and markets fruits and vegetables and meat · This is something of a small · every alley own character and his product specialist astronauts Outstanding · Due to the convergence of these markets mixed odors to each other and combine to lead you to feelings of unique unmatched · and there is a mosque Battalion, which rise minaret is 77m from the face of the earth · an old mosque derives its name from the markets of ancient books which were known by the street adjacent to the mosque · and the mosque was built in 1126 AD during the reign of Abd al-Mu'min is a typical example of Islamic architecture · and is the symbol of the city and the most important features · and there is a mosque Ben Saleh, who decorated with four minarets beautiful green and decorated with mosaics which can be seen clearly from the following ·

Houses Riyadh

The highlight of the Marrakech of the beauty is reflected in the traditional houses beautifully located behind the gates of the city and called the Riyadh · and are the houses of notables and wealthy Marrakech who inhabit a period of time and then abandoned to live in the houses of the French style in the affluent suburb of the city · Fbaawa Riyadh to dealers Europeans turned them into hotels for tourists and is home to celebrities and rich people from all over the world · and who come to Marrakech Mojuven magic of the place and the ancient art · and some of these kindergartens are the property of the likes of French fashion designer Jean-Paul Jlitir and British singer George Michael and American actor Kate Winslet Titanic hero · met and all that magic in the amazing beauty of the desert and the magnificent Islamic architecture makes Riyadh, the gardens of Paradise ·
Doors Riyadh beautiful colors and decorations perfect · and mediates the home garden of fruit trees, overlooking it all the rooms and halls, and is characterized by arches and decorations Morocco attractions that adorn the doors and corridors · and you can not help but stand impressed in front gardens rich in what this and the fruit and lemon trees and olives, and wells of fresh water and fresh air, which permeates all corners of Riyadh · and overnight in one of Riyadh is a unique experience not resist despite the high price of accommodation, which ranges between $ 200 and $ 1500 for the night, careful a lot of visitors to Marrakech, stay in and if one night with Ensure housing in the French Quarter which is just half an hour from the city for the duration of the trip ·

Moroccan cuisine

It is to visit Marrakesh should enjoy the cuisine Moroccan cuisine of appetite in many restaurants with Islamic style and inscriptions Alemrakachih brightly colored · meal dinner in Marrakech, pamper the soul and the joy of foods rich flavors • The months are provided by the kitchen Marrakech in Morocco is the head of lamb cooked in the oven spices on low heat for four and twenty hours · and there is soup calories famous cooked lamb and vegetables and eating couscous famous and many tagines, which are mixed with the vegetables fruits cooked in the sauce of meat and add the nuts · and of the most famous restaurants in the city Marrakesh Restaurant Aladdin, who leads the arena el Fna large and features a Bbwabth luxury with carvings and gold, which is a landmark in Marrakech · there are too many restaurants on both sides of the arena offers grilled meat and rice, sweets and cups of mint tea · and of the most famous personalities known for its penchant for visit Marrakech, British Prime Minister and former Winston Churchill, who had a special table sit on every night for dinner and has a private room in a hotel frequented by from time to time • In his memoirs of said Churchill's feelings towards Marrakech, describing it as the city fell to the ground from the world of imagination ·
And the rest of tourism in Marrakech unforgettable journey of memories and feelings and images unique is not identical with any other city in the world · and night farewell keen many of the tourists to see the scene of sunset that melts when the sun in the distant horizon · and then turn the city with sand red to the color crimson blush gives great warmth in the heart of each of the visit and cheer him the decision to leave ·

Tourism in Milan, Italy

Tourism in Milan, Italy

Milan is not a tourist city. And places of recreation where targeted people of the city, who are experts in the industry and spending money. This city of Armani and Prada. But once out of the main shopping area, you'll find a growing number of stores that showcase young designers in the field of fashion and furniture. Also where there are many restaurants. In Milan, easy to find food for the Sri Lanka as found on the cooked food on the way Milan. Friday at 4 pm Milan is a city of design, and until July next Palazzo Reale Museum offers a terrific exhibition of Italian furniture in the period between 1900 to 2000. The exhibition, called Room With a View offers a look at the sometimes surreal styles that made Milan's international center for furniture design. If it were not a fan of the style of Futurism or Memphis, these become a fan after watching the show. Admission is 9 euros.

5:30 pm James Bond meets Armani and now that you know where Italian design, see where it goes, in the shops near by Alessandro Manzoni. And includes the largest store Sawaya Land Maroni No. 11; for furniture and lighting design of the architecture and Zaha Hadid Pritzker Prize-winning, which is famous for avoiding right angles. And a few blocks there Polga Hotel, which is due to another architect Antonio Sterao the type of place that can meet the James Bond and Giorgio Armani. Share a caprese Motsarella cheese with tomatoes and basil with eggplant powder for 15 euros.

At eight in the evening Tuscany in Milan Brera is one of the oldest parts of Milan, and La Torre di Pisa (Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italian) is one of the oldest restaurants, the neighborhood, a popular restaurant provides meals cooked on the method of cooking in Tuscany, you find very crowded Via Fiori Chiari 21 / 5; 39-02-874-877 you can not impressive dish Alaspcati «only Botainsc» hot, price 10 euros and applied Brossbera a platter of steak, potatoes and vegetables, 52 euros for two. After dinner you can wander the streets of Pereira, and many are closed to traffic.

Saturday at 10 o'clock shopping until you feel tired, maybe I bought a product Brad and Dolce & Gabbana, Bulgari of shopping centers in your country, but it's time to visit the original shops in the Via della Sbiega. The store designs are dazzling, such as upside-down interior at Viktor & Rolf Sant "Andrea, 14; 39-02-796-091; where the shop floor and seats suspended from the ceiling. Must be the place to visit. And short cab ride will take you to the shopping area the other, Corso Como, where by 10 Corso Como Como (39-02-2900-2674;] watch customers as they scramble to buy T-shirts Bhmalat price of 300 euros. and you can feel comfortable during your shopping in a store close to the company's continued Via Tazzoli, 3 where There is an atmosphere of calm. For labels that have not heard one after he was moved to Villa Maaroncla where you will find an array of shops that offer the latest designs in furniture and fashion like Galleria 365-23461; [url] (No 14; 39 - and Gariya or Ka . and place of the Spirit lifts per hour luxury dining pm Do you feel hungry after shopping? he went to a shopping center on Giorgio Armani, who is building the entire Via Alessandro Manzoni, 31; 02-39-7231-8600;]. In addition to clothing stores designs Armani, he went to Armani Libri (books), Armani Dolci (chocolates), Armani Nobu (Japanese food) and lunch can not be forgotten «enough Emporio Armani». The restaurant on the second floor of dishes prepared in the art such as tuna with toasted almonds and mustard ice cream, which can fetch up to 25 euros. and you'll find yourself like everyone else here taking pictures of food before you eat. and if they reach near one o'clock in the afternoon you will find a lot of tables But if I arrived at noon the second will be difficult to find the tables are empty.

Time: 2.30 appointment with a rare masterpiece sold tickets to see the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci «Last Supper» in Santa Maria della law Grazie Santa Maria delle Grazie39-02-8942-1146; [url] a few months ago. To protect the painting from excess humidity, the museum limits the number of visitors. Fortunately, the tour company Zani Viaggi (39-02-867-131; arrange your visit to the museum for 50 euros. A guide to the most important teachers in the country DUOMO, among the largest cathedrals in the world and possibly the most beautiful and Vittorrio Emanuele Gallery, a glass-covered arcade built in 1867 . The appointment of the scenes of the Last Supper starts at five and a half when the electronic doors open and again after a quarter hour to let you out.

Eighth time he brought opera glasses it's time to scenes of La Scala Opera Scala; 39-02-7200-3744; most beautiful opera house in the world. And get a seat on the orchestra level, expect to spend a fortune. But you can get a seat near the ornately painted ceiling over 66 euros. Necessary to wear the uniforms you are there to dazzle. The theater was renovated Opera House from the inside by the Swiss architect Mario Botta. Which led to some criticism because the increase in the number of seats is contrary to the original facade. But the interior has not changed since 1778.

Dinner at 10.30 under the glass to watch some of the best people and architecture in Milan, cross the street from La Scala to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, where you can dine at the restaurant Biffi on an outdoor table under a huge dome of glass. 92; 39-02-805-7961; ignore the nearby McDonald's and see the architectural details that date back to the nineteenth century that did not accurately see them in the morning, such as paintings Aljdranih. Owusu-Poku and a meal with rice cooked the way Milan is not a bad price, and Lior 26. After dinner, the mystery behind the people in any direction until you find a shop selling ice cream.

Sunday hello Balmahban so as not to see the population of Milan, who are enjoying their time you can walk to Parco Sempione North Duomo. There you will see the soccer players and runners, and loved ones. If they walked towards the north you will see the Arco della Pace, a triumphal arch up to the nineteenth century on the occasion of Napoleon's victories, and then return to Torre Branca, a bullet-shaped tower designed by Italian architect Geo Ponti in the thirties. You can rise tower that rises 300 feet for three euros, where you can see the Duomo and the Alps on a clear day.

Venice at 11.30 in Milan taxi ride from the best bike to the neighborhood of Navigli, a luxury surrounded by two canals, participated in the determination of the Leonardo da Vinci were planned and a major role in trade in the city until the mid-twentieth century. Naviglio Grande Canal and is the most beautiful. If they were is the last Sunday of the exhibition will see a market for hardware. There are many shops and trendy feel you are in Venice. Among the shops, Knepper Ripa di Pta. Ticinese, 69; 39-02-837-6947, who sells clocks, phones and other devices that belong to the middle of the twentieth century.

The last meal he went to a restaurant, Kitchen, Via Scarlatti, 7; 39-02-2951-3679 a wonderful Italian restaurant that serves an Asian staff, one of the things that was becoming more prevalent in the city. You can serve yourself from the table of hors d'oeuvres Dish with shrimp and squid in addition to cooked vegetables is just 5.50 euros. Afterward, walk to Central Station, a building dating from the era of